Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Dangers of Modern Farming Practices to Our Future Generations.

Life is absolutely not sustainable as we are living it in these so called modern times. It's clear to me that modern life has little thought for the damage it is causing for our future.

Peak oil has arrived and will make food all the time more expensive, since we are dependent on oil for it's production.
Water sources are being polluted & privatised and our crops are being systematically & irreversibly patented whilst being genetically modified.

As our bodies are living tissue with bacteria as an integral part of them, foods grown in dead soil with use of toxic chemicals, pesticides & herbicides are constantly making us weaker & more disease prone as we consume them during our lifetimes.
If we care enough to leave this earth in a good way for future generations I believe the best way forward is to share knowledge and aim to plant seeds of true sustainability in each of us. To help one another and inspire change through knowledge is important.

If we can each successfully introduce Permaculture principles & what these represent to 10 people in our lifetimes & they go on to do the same & so on... Only then there is a chance that our grandchildren's grandchildren will be healthy and happy young people.
Without keeping this possibility as a focus, I for one would feel I've failed my children & their future generations in sharing what I have learnt through creating sustainable examples they can continue.

Like most parents I dearly love my children more than anything in this world and want to provide not just the best for them, but share important knowledge and wisdom gained through experiences of life.

I'd like to share these two thought provoking videos which I feel are very worthwhile watching to anybody that cares.
Because without knowledge, we're powerless to make changes for the better.

The Silence of the bees. A documentary study of colony collapse disorder - a food problem facing each and every one of us, as a result of modern farming & chemical agriculture practices:

Seeds of Death. This is quite a shocking film, but contains a lot of information to explain what is in GMO foods.
GMO in Japan is likely to increase in future, as it appears Prime Minister Abe is moving forward with having Japan be a part of TPP.

There will be NO GMO for our family & those we can persuade to be vigilant of what they eat - if we can help it:


  1. Miguel, Kyle here. Great meeting you last weekend. I look forward to keeping in touch. You might find the following of interest. The Japan Minka Revival Association's annual conference will be held in Chiba on October 26-27. There is a pre-conference gathering on September 23. I'm sure JMRA would be interested in seeing how you've renovated your home.
    Look forward to hearing from you,
    ■9/23開催 千葉/シンポジウム「房総民家の魅力再発見!!」

    田中隆義氏による講演「滅び行く大工道具 私たちは間に合うのか」も追加決

    【日時】9月23日(祝)13:00開場 13:30開演 16:00終了予定
    【場所】千葉大学けやき会館(千葉市稲毛区弥生1-33 千葉大学西千葉キャン
    【交通】JR西千葉駅北口 徒歩7分、京成電鉄みどり台駅 徒歩7分
    【資料代】1,000円、学生500円 現地にて集金
    レス、JMRA会員番号をご明記のうえ、本部事務局(FAX:03-5216-3542または )までお申込みください。

    ■10/26-27開催 民家フォーラム千葉2013

    今年で16回目となる民家フォーラムは、「民家の魅力 再発見!!」をテーマに


  2. Thanks Kyle! Unfortunately I already have plans for that weekend - made a long time ago, but I would love to go another time. I'll ask my wife to look into this. Hope to see you again soon!
